Wednesday, September 24, 2014

You Can Call Me “Little Miss ‘Son’-shine”

©CreationSwap/Nathan Gamble


Before the world began, there was a void in time too sparse to even imagine what complete nothingness is truly like.

And then, GOD. SPOKE.

With the power of His words, He took that darkness and caused light to shine by saying:

Suddenly, light BURST onto the scene.   

The darkness could not resist, reply or recoil.  All it could do was submit to, and be overtaken by the Masterful Creator and God who had a greater purpose for the nothingness. 

God indeed, had made light appear from nothing when He created the “Sun” shine…

In the same way, He so powerfully entered the scene of my life when there was nothing but darkness. He turned my very own little heart to love Him.    In a way, He made me “Little Miss Son-shine.”

As I ponder this thought, I am in awe of what God has done not only in the beginning of time to create a world, but I am amazed that He would desire to work by that same power IN ME. 
God has given us a beautiful verse to remind us that HE accomplishes this work in us, and it serves as tangible proof as to why we can trust Him.

2 Corinthians 4:6 is a powerful reminder of the beginning.  It says,“For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. “


Based on this verse, the mere fact that there is light in this world (or even a world) to begin with confirms that God IS.  That alone would be encouragement enough, but He doesn’t stop there…
The God who spoke light into existence when there was only darkness has given me “knowledge of the glory of God”.  

I don’t know about you, but when I speak the only “stuff” that I create many times is strife.  I know I certainly cannot speak a universe into existence, nor could I even build one if you gave me all the materials I need to accomplish it!!

 But how did He take me from that place of darkness and replace it with His "Son"-shine?

God revealed to me that I NEED Him by showing me my sinful state before Him. When I see myself in the light of His holiness, my state of “darkness” is magnified; and I am brought to a high view of God.  I echo the words of Isaiah when he says: 

“And I said: "Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!"

But there’s MORE!! 

In His grace, God solved my sin problem for me by sending Jesus as an acceptable, atoning sacrifice to restore my fellowship with Him.  I can never attain God’s favor all by myself.  I need something more. 

And then? 

He “shone in my heart” giving me knowledge of that truth!!

God reminds me of this truth every day when the sun bursts onto the morning sky.  God reminds us through His creation that HE HAS THE POWER TO ACCOMPLISH ALL THAT HE SAYS HE WILL.

I stand in awe of His presence.   I worship the God of glory and truth who chose to do “shining” work in me! 

And I don’t know about you, but I can’t keep it in! 

Just like you can’t put a drape over the sun to stop the rays from pouring forth, you can’t stop this “Little Miss 'Son'-shine” from pouring out the glories of God in Jesus!!  

And if He has so worked in you, get YOUR shine on!  Don't hold it back!  Share, share, SHARE it with anyone who will listen!

Written that the name of Jesus be Praised,
Christy Pearce

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Blinded by the Light


I was reminded of the power of our sun today while driving the girls to school.  I turned a corner to get on Main Street and, POW!!  That sunlight was like, RIGHT. THERE. in my face.  

There was no seeing around it.  I had to lean over in my seat toward a few trees that were blocking the sun because I honestly didn’t want to make that left turn “by faith”.  I wanted to see where I was going.  

In that moment, sitting there with that big bright sun in my face, the only thing I could think about was the fact that I COULD NOT see.  Even though I tried to escape, I was completely enveloped in the sun’s rays.  

I was forced to act based upon its presence, and my senses were dulled-no, they were overtaken by its radiance.

Isn’t that just like God, though?  And what better illustration to help us relate with His character than this enormous, bright star affixed in the center of the universe?

I am just toddling along in my life “blinded by the light”.  Yet, most times, I manage to find a few shade trees to get a break from the intense illumination of His glory.  I find ways to see around that overwhelming and blinding brightness so I can focus on things I want to see.

I WANT to see and KNOW where I am headed.   

But God just doesn’t give us that kind of perception to see the future events of our lives.  In fact, there are no guarantees except those promised to us in Christ.  Just because something is on our calendar doesn't secure the fact that any plans we have made will come to fruition.   But His plans?  Ah, yes-they will ALWAYS succeed.  

These thoughts cause me to fall under conviction.  I am afraid when I can’t see the path, when instead; I should be unafraid when I see HIS illuminating work in my life.  

The trouble is that I am usually trying to see around Him or past Him in order to get what I want-and then seek His approval later.   

God forgive me when I do such a thing.  Help me to submit to your plans and your ways.  Help me, Lord to have the kind faith that is thankful to grope around in the brightness of your glory knowing that even though I can’t see the road ahead, YOU CAN.  

The bottom line is that God has taken care of our greatest need.  I don’t see the completion of that, but He saw it all from the beginning.  He chose me, He loves me and He knows what is best even when I don’t “see” it.

So, sometimes "not seeing" can be believing.  

Welcome to the definition of "blind faith"!  (Is there really any other kind of faith?)  

May God be ever increasing our love for and knowledge of HIM!

Written that the name of Jesus be Praised,


Photo credit to Free Christian Wallpaper